One of the leading Ribbon Blender manufacturers, suppliers & Exporters of Ribbon Blenders in India
The RIBBON BLENDER is a proficient and adaptable mixing machine for blending of dry granules and powders homogeneously. Roughly two third of the volume of the holder of Ribbon Blender is filled to guarantee legitimate blending. The Ribbon Blender gives best outcome for blending of dry powder and granules because of the plan and state of the blending ribbon and item compartment. It very well may be utilized for Pharmaceutical, Food, Chemical and Cosmetic items and so on.
Our offered Ribbon Blender Mixer is uncommonly manufactured with various evaluation of steel like hardened steel, carbon steel and amalgam prepares according to mechanical need. Our item is climate well disposed, which required very support and electric energy. Our plan is accessible for low, medium, enormous and super volume ability to blend little to huge size material. Exceptionally sharp edges are introduced in this, which blends distinctive delicate to hard material at less time.

Our association is Gujarat based, however dealing with hundred of public and global customers too. All models are stringently tried at different quality boundaries so it very well may be worked with no extraordinary preparing or practice. This item is generally utilized in various ventures like drug, plastic, designing, food, synthetic and some more. For various mechanical area, these are accessible in business obligation, standard obligation, rock solid and additional substantial development.
- The state of compartment and blending stirrer gives adequate ceaseless development to the powder/granules, bring about great quality.
- Most extreme consideration has been taken to guarantee safe activity of the unit.
- Creeping office for stirrer for release of material.
- Release tallness can be changed, if affirm with request.
- Working board accommodated safe activity of blender.
- Halfway found material release valve. ( Butterfly/Sliding Valve )
- Residue evidence top cover with window gave.
- Wellbeing Guards and Covers made out of SS304 in GMP Model and made out of gentle steel in Standard Model.
- Legs made out of MS and painted in Standard Model and same will be cladded with SS304 in GMP Model.